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naps and blueberries. (26)

29 Jul

Today was a napping house kind of day–a Monday following a busy weekend, where everyone in the house was extra sleepy and nothing called us away from these four walls. I’m quite grateful. We needed a down day, and although there will probably be plenty of those in the weeks to come, it was especially sweet to embrace the quiet time with HD while we wait for baby no. 2 to join us. We read books, had a slow moving breakfast, watched a little Sid the Science Kid and Sesame Street. Henry kept me company while I worked on further organizing my closet (did you know that shoe organizers make sweet multi-level garages for matchbox cars?), and we both napped for nearly three hours this afternoon. The rest was most welcome and fairly essential.

Then tonight, Henry got to head out on a sweet adventure with our amazing neighbors, and I got to enjoy the grocery store all by myself. I know that “enjoy” and “grocery store” don’t quite go together, but it was a huge blessing to be able to get there and back somewhat quickly, to shop with a small cart, and to keep my mind on my list and not much else. Meanwhile, Henry had a blast blueberry picking for the first time. I’m so thankful that our sweet friends didn’t mind capturing some photos for me (and even a little video) so I didn’t totally miss out on H’s experience :)

so intent. and content. i love this.

so intent. and content. i love this.

Sending Henry off tonight was a little foreign to me, but also a great step as I continue to grow more and more in trusting God’s protection and covering over our little man. If anyone was going to take Henry somewhere, he was in the exact right hands tonight. And my worry has nothing at all to do with the people I entrust him to–it has everything to do with my desire to protect him 110% and to be sure that he is safe and sound at all times. This has been an ongoing journey for me, as I’m sure it will be again with this next sweet bundle and whole new life to look after and hold dear. Still, nights like tonight are an important exercise–especially as God shows His faithfulness and returns Henry to me safely, with a big beaming smile across his face and the joy that comes with venturing out a little on your own. It’s good for everyone, and even in the harder moments where I just want to protect our babies forever, I’m learning to remind myself that this is true.

Really, our neighbors are just some of the greatest people God has put in our life in this season, and I feel like He uses them all of the time to remind me of His attentiveness to our hearts. Tonight, when I probably really needed a mommy break and the grocery shopping really needed to happen, God orchestrated a beautiful outing for H and two incredibly gracious and fun-loving people to provide the experience. On nights like tonight, I’m able to step back and really see God’s handprint on the day, and also His gentle nudging to let go and allow Him to move. Even in the simplest things like uninterrupted naps and freshly ripened blueberries, God is always showing up and making Himself known. I pray He’ll always do that in my life, and that I’ll always be open to seeing Him and trusting Him as life comes.

big blueberries and two year old joy.

big blueberries and two year old joy.

happy to trust in the Lord tonight. taking each day as it comes,


ps: baby has been dancing in my belly like crazy today, and definitely making a move. do we really have 26 more days to go? time will tell, but this mama thinks we might be in for another incomplete 100 day countdown. and i can’t say i’d mind. maybe another 20 days or so? that ought to give us enough time to feel a bit more settled. can you mail order a due date, naturally? ;)