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can’t make this stuff up. (35)

20 Jul

Henry has been on a roll lately. When we’re not trying to work through the challenges of being two and the boundaries he’s testing often, he has us laughing pretty much non stop. I’m so thankful to the Lord for giving us a little one who brings an incredible amount of joy to our home and family. We can’t wait to see what this next babe will bring to the mix, too!

Tonight as we got H ready for bed, he was in comedian form. As I prayed for us, he whispered the word “fever” over and over into Jason’s ear. We wouldn’t normally find this funny, but J hasn’t been feeling well all day, and for some reason, it just got us both going. Laughter is the best medicine, right?

Then as H said goodnight to the baby, this was his dialogue, “Hi, little person in there…Goodnight, baby. Sleep well in there. Talk to your mama.” Awesome. I love this kid. Where does he come up with these things?

And as I said final goodnights to him in his bed, he requested I rub his arm. As I did, he said to me, “I love you, too. You’re my best friend. And I’m your munchkin. I’m your Hanker Tanker. And you’re my beautiful best girl.” Well, swoon. There’s not a whole lot much more to do besides that. This kiddo melts my heart, even on days when we’ve battled or pushed or been at odds here and there. He is truly a gift to my spirit. To ours. Our home and our family are beyond blessed to count him among us. And so it is with this sweet baby as well. The closer we get to August, the more delighted my heart becomes. We’ll get to meet this precious soul so soon–what a joy he or she will be for all of us!

blessed to be mama to both of these gifts. so thankful to be h’s best girl ;)
